Sunday, January 4, 2009

T'was The Night Before Christmas....

T'was the Night Before Christmas and all through the house, not a person was stirring cause we were out and about. Doing what you may ask. Why swimming of course. As a Hansen family tradition Lantz has for the last seven years now taken the boys swimming on Christmas Eve. I have been lucky to be part of this tradition for the last two years now and for the many more to come. We have also had the privilege of having our friends and neighbors 'The Martin's' join in our tradition for two years now (and hopefully many more). This year instead of going to the Roy Complex Amy had the idea of going to the Clearfield Aquatic Center. MUCH more fun!! Thank you Amy for the suggestion. It had much more for the kids to do even the little ones like Jace and Dane :) There is a water slide, lazy river, diving boards and water jungle gym. We all had so much fun. We spent about 2 1/2 hrs there. Enough to get everybody tired. Thank you Martin family for coming with us. It was a great time.

As I said earlier stuff for the little kids...(Jace and Dane)

The boys on the water slide....

A true display of brotherly love!

Me and the boys.

Lantz and his boys!

Lantz and I and in the lazy river. Spent lots of time there not much effort involved. Hence lazy river!
So we started off Christmas Eve with a Hansen family tradition and ended the day with a Robinson family tradition. My mom's family has been doing Christmas Eve parties for as long as I can remember. We all get together on Christmas Eve and have tons of food. The funnest thing that we do is the Chinese Christmas game. It is pretty close to a white elephant exchange. The kids love it because we get to go buy some dollar gifts to use as our presents. A couple of years ago Dane got this giant pig. Ever since then he has been hooked. This year we also played some games and just had a great time. I absolutely love that we have family traditions. We stay there until about ten maybe ten thirty then head home to get the kids in bed so Santa can come. Thank you family for the fun that night.

Everybody gathered in my parents living room doing the Chinese Christmas exchange.

Dane loves jello jigglers!!!

My Family...(top my brother Shaun and his girlfriend Roni, next my cousin Madison with my dog Bella, Jace and max, and Dane and max...notice Dane has jello falling out of his mouth again)
Christmas Eve was great this year. I am very grateful that we got to spend it with our Family and Friends. Thank you all. We love you!!!

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