Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Finally A Blogger!!

So i have finally joined the club. I am officially a Blogger (K that sounds funny). Lantz and the boys have been telling me to do it for a while (guess it's more of a lazy thing!). So I came home the other night from work and Lantz said "I have started a blog for ya..." so here it is. I have had the blog for about a week but I am a retard and had to have Amy come help me figure it out (I am not very computer literate) and she did so here we go.
I don't really know where to start...I don't think I will go back through everything that has happened this year maybe a couple of highlights.
This wasn't really a highlight, but I had miscarriage in May. Definitely the hardest thing that I have ever gone through. Thank heavens for a WONDERFUL family and Awesome friends.
In June Lantz and I got sealed in the Logan Temple. It was the best day of my life! Don't get me wrong I loved my wedding day but now I have him FOREVER and that takes all!!!
We went to Yellowstone with my family in July. We love to go to Yellowstone...it's pretty much going to be an annual thing.
In August we went deer hunting for the bow hunt. It was way fun! We always have a good time going. This year had its good things (we borrowed my parents tent trailer, no sleeping on the ground this year!) and it's bad things....no Amy, and Lantz missed his big deer (he wasn't the only one that missed the same one).
Since August our whole lives have pretty much revolved around football for the boys. They both had practice every day and a game every Saturday. Both of their teams took first place in their groups and went to the playoffs. They both lost in the playoffs but we are still very very proud of them. Jace's team is playing in Boarder Wars in Salt Lake the next couple of weekends. We hope they do great. So football is almost over and we can get back to a semi normal life.
Well that's about where we are at to this point....I guess you all will be caught up from this point forward. I will try my hardest to be a good blogger and not disappoint!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Very good! You did great and once you are started you just can't stop. I enjoy blogging and keeping in touch with friends, even though we pretty much see each other every day, but it is good to look back and say "Oh Yeah!" and I promise I will be on the deer hunt next year.